Jectoons :krita: :debian:
645 Follower
396 Folgt
3394 Beiträge

(He/Him) 🇲🇽 🇨🇦

-Duso is a silent all-ages comic about an orange dog on a quest.
-Random Vignettes is exactly that. Social critique may be included.
-Fodongo is a monthly Free Culture Comics Zine that intends to support indie comics artists and advocate for and promote Free Culture.

Derivative works encouraged ;)

RSI-haver, somewhat anxious. Was hit by a driver in a car once. 10+ years experience in the anim sector.

Se habla español.

:krita: :debian2: :KDE: :cc_cc: :sharesloved:

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2025-01-22 10:45:58 Uhr
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